Short Attention Span Theatre

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

Just a heads up to all those who peruse. Being in at work at this time of night, and enjoying (???) the night air is NOT fun. Doesn't matter if you're suiting up or not.


Another software switch

Well. This is probably the most trouble I've had converting a site. Ever. I've moved from a database back-end (using MySQL with a PHP front end to extract the posts/links/whatever) to nothing but text files. A small (but fairly complex) script called 'blosxom' extracts the contents of a directory structure and all the *.txt files in it, and creates this website.

One can hope that I won't be required to switch to anything else any time soon.

Anywho, posting to this one is as easy as typing in a text file, and I won't have any problem with spammers using the comments on my site. ;)

Duncan, continue.

Best 404 ever

I thought I had too much time on my hands... I was wrong:

Best '404 - Page not found' ever

The web page above doesn't exist, but check out the text that appears in the box on the web page that tells you that the web page doesn't exist. ;)

Douglas Adams, here's to you.

Linux on Presario 906us

Had a bit of trouble loading linux on this one (Debian testing/stable). Here's how (this will be edited as I go).

When booting from Debian Woody CD1 use the following as your boot parameters:

bf24 video=vga16:off vga=ask nomce

For some reason, you will not be able to use your integrated NIC (Realtek 8139) when using the previous boot parameters, but don't worry about that for now. Install the kernel, device drivers and base system; then reboot. When you get to the LILO prompt, make sure to press the "?", then type:

Linux nomce

After booting from the hard drive you will still not be able to access the network. continue.

Compaq's idiotic move

IIRC, you used to be able to view product spec­i­fi­ca­tions on Compaq's support website. That's what a support website if for, right? It's so the company doesn't have to waste time or money (theirs, not mine) on live support. That, apparently, is not the purpose of the Compaq support website.

The purpose is, apparently, to provide so little in­for­ma­tion that the owner of a laptop must call for any in­for­ma­tion more technical than, "Does my laptop have a keyboard?"

After I got through to their technical support line, the lady who answered the phone asked me a series of questions (name, address, phone number). That was fine, continue.


So I switch. Then I switch back. Every time I try to move away from this darn software I get sucked back in!

Sometimes I think I may be easily... bleah. All the old content is here.


Seems that a paralegal has taken up the task of re­search­ing the SCO lawsuits, claims and FUD and doc­u­ment­ing them on a website. I like the approach the author takes:

SCO Scoop.

When you want to know more
about the story
but don't know where to look.

IANAL.  I am a paralegal, so if you have a legal problem and want
advice, this isn't the place.  Hire an attorney instead.  Research
is, however, what paras do, so here I am sharing things I have found
in my research.

Lot's of in­ter­est­ing in­for­ma­tion including a link to IBM's copyright in­fringe­ment coun­ter­claim.

Digital signatures and OE

Relatively soon I'll start digitally signing all my messages. I thought that some of those out there that use Outlook Express might ask some questions, so here the questions are followed by the answers (the following stolen shame­less­ly from Peter Harkins):

What is with the at­tach­ments you keep sending? They have no file formats and I can't open any of them. What am I doing wrong?

I've started getting this question fairly regularly, so I've written an ex­pla­na­tion. If you want the short version, just read the first paragraph. If you want to know the how and why, read the rest. It's easy continue.

Neil Gaiman on Talk of the Nation

The Sandman isn't your typical comic book. It's dark, geared towards adults and praised by the likes of Norman Mailer and Stephen King. Neil Gaiman, the comic book's creator, joins host Neal Conan for a discussion on gods, myths and dreams.

Neil Gaiman being in­ter­viewed along with some of his artists.

Anything into oil and Worst jobs in science

Anything into oil? I'm wondering what waste products are produced in the process of making 'turkey guts' into oil.

In an industrial park in Philadel­phia sits a new machine that can change almost anything into oil. Really.

Also, came across an article about the worst jobs in science. I think this falls into the 'never thought of it that way' humor variety. Check out number 17.

From fart sniffer to postdoc, the most torturous ways to make a living in science.

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