Short Attention Span Theatre

Arrghh and other Pirate Speak

September 19 is the In­ter­na­tion­al Talk Like a Pirate day.

Before we go any further, there's something we need to be clear about. Pirates were and are bad people. Really rep­re­hen­si­ble. Even the most casual ex­plo­ration of the history of pirates (and believe us, casual is an accurate de­scrip­tion of our research) leaves you hip deep in blood and barbarity. We recognize this, all right? We aren't for one minute suggesting that real, honest-to-God pirates were in any way, shape or form worth emulating.

So what is it exactly that we're cel­e­brat­ing here, if not pirates? What, you're wondering, is the point?

We're going to be painfully continue.

Kabuki and SCO

An in­ter­est­ing article popped onto my RADAR today. I've been following the SCO vs. 'All Open Source' cases as closely as RL allows, and this article an in­ter­est­ing slant on recent events.

Kabuki theatrics define the SCO farce, but who's behind the mask?

Notes from Neil

I got this from Neil Gaiman's Blog:

The BBC radio piece on the belief in Iraq that Saddam is being protected by Genies is in Real Audio and lasts about 3 minutes.

And something cool for Christy (also quoted from Neil's site):

Tori's chef is a really nice man and excellent cook named Duncan Pickford. (He gave me the ginger-and-honey drink recipe that got me through the reading of the whole of Coraline last year.) He's going to be launching a cooking and health and so on website pretty soon. For now, there's a pilot site up at DuncsDiner. He's got a pre-site-launch prize draw going on... continue.


AM­PUTHE­ATRE is based on the hundreds of fighting video games that have been released in the last ten years. It is also inspired by the splatter-movie genre, in­cor­po­rat­ing characters and elements inspired from horror movies, books, comics and video games. It's Freddy versus Jason versus Pinhead versus Leather­face versus the Nightbreed versus Rawhead Rex versus that sexy zombie babe from "Return Of The Living Dead 3" sort of.

This is actually a really cool action figure fighting game. Gil is a friend of mine from my days at RIT, he's created all the prototype figures from pipeclean­ers, bits of other action figures, and pretty much anything else continue.

Ravioli behavior study

Having never heard of this before, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.

Under enough pressure, ravioli behaves as a gas

Bugging me to post

Yeah, yeah. So I haven't been as active here as I'd like. Well, it's been a bit crazy around here. I've been migrating all the servers from the old system to the new one. Looks like it's about done.

Switched from exim to qmail, fetchmail to getmail; upgraded bogofilter, mutt, and courier-imap. Been a bit swamped.

Anyway, now that this site is on the new server I'll be optimizing the layout, upgrading to the new b2, and then start posting some new stuff. I've saved up a lot of videos/pictures to put up here, so prepare yourselves starting on the 25th or so. continue.

Labs back in business

Clenched Fist labs is finally back up and running. Episodes 63 and 64 recently came out. I know Chris has been slacking on his web-comic, but I can assure you that he's been busy and really missed working on the story. You can see him in both Heroic Nude and INVA linked below. He's the tall guy with long blonde hair (hmmm maybe that doesn't help).

War ending

Looks like I have to post again to kick Dave in the butt and get some new info up here. Hope you enjoyed the Fiasco Films I posted earlier. I'm still living it up here in the sand, but they say they are making plans to get us out of here. I have to say that even though we've had some busy flights, it has felt like any training sortie back home. I guess thats a good thing since excitement probably would have meant a lot more risk, but also it shows how well our training is set up. Very little happening here. continue.

Thanks to Duncan and update

Thanks, Duncan, for helping to keep something up here while I'm adjusting over in Saudi.

Currently I'm adjusting to a constantly changing schedule, trying to get college courses done, keeping in touch with the wife, and attempting not to have a repeat of the Saudi trip in 98 (the one where I kept reading Nietzsche).

I've not been able to surf the web as I usually do (big surprise) nor use my preferred email client, but overall the trip has been alright.

Been thinking about something, trying to pat it into shape. I seems that (speaking broadly) there are two types of people: Those who think that internal problems continue.

Fiasco Films

The makers of "the Movie" featuring Heroic Nude have completed another short film. INVA was submitted in a 48hr film contest, didn't win but still was an amazing project. They actually had semi-pro­fe­sion­al equiptment for INVA. Both films are worth the wait of slow down­load­ing speed.

Update: Both links are dead, but if I ever am able to find them I'll bump this post to the top.

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