Short Attention Span Theatre

Building NAStie

This covers the method I used to configure a home NAS (in a manner similar to My Home NAS) after I decided a Bufallo LinkSta­tion Duo was not suitable. Why do it this way, rather than with a standard NAS solution?


The base continue.

Parse uptime with sed

I want to use the uptime command (just the amount of time awake) in a geeklet for GeekTool, and thought the awk based version a bit awkward.

I've included a shell script and some sample uptime output in this git repository.

Most of the ideas for this were taken from uptime's source code and a forum post.

Re-alpine on Mac OSX

Tips on con­fig­ur­ing, compiling, and running re-alpine 2.01 on Mac OSX 10.6.2. This may work on previous or later versions of both the operating system and/or the email client, but I have not tested either.

This is not a full procedure, merely some notes I will forget after I make them, then have to search for later. This assumes XCode version 3.2.1 is installed (no other versions tested).

Re-alpine kept annoying me with warnings that my CACert issued server cer­tifi­cate for was of ques­tion­able validity, and I did not want to set the "/novalidate-cert" switch. To solve that problem, try the following.

$ wget
$ certhash=\`openssl x509 

qmail my way

This documents the method I use to install qmail on my mail server, manage virtual users (a separate system user per domain), and any scripts I use to automate the process or au­then­ti­cate the users.



Mini-qmail SMTPAUTH howto

Note: As I now use jms1's combined patch I no longer use this method, but it might be useful someday.


How to set up an SMTPAUTH submission daemon based on the firewall version of mini-qmail.

This procedure will result in a mini-qmail firewall based in­stal­la­tion (hearafter known as miniq) on the same server as a full qmail in­stal­la­tion (hearafter known as qmail). Messages submitted by au­then­ti­cat­ed users go straight to the qmail-queue program of the qmail.


Fora closed due to lack of interest

The fora have been shut down for two reasons.

  1. Lack of interest.
  2. The SPAM-bots have found the fora.

If you have any questions, you know how to contact me.

Link to fora

For those of you who used the link. Go to the following website:

Fora back up again

The fora are back online. I'll next begin working on getting rid of all the weird characters in the posts, and getting my website working again.

Anywho, I'm just glad we're back up again. ;]

Mail server details for users

Some details for those few who use the server for email.

[1] Yes, I am aware that using 587 as an SSL-only SMTP port violates the RFC. I will attempt to implement StartTLS at a later date.

Tips for Outlook:

Email server back online

Email sending and receiving is back online. The web site and fora will have to wait ap­prox­i­mate­ly 1-2 weeks, as the Christy and I are going to Ireland for five days, but those should be up soon after we get back (2006-03-15).

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