Short Attention Span Theatre

Outage and contact information

For those of you who frequent the fora, and the site... there was a slight problem with the server back in Germany. ;] I've hired a VPS over in California to take up the slack, but until I get about 2-3 days in Germany I will not be able to recover any of the data.

So... contact me via wellerdave (at) gmail (dot) com if you have any questions, or if you need to get your email re-activated. My email address at is working for receive, but I can't send for the moment (that should change within the next day or so).

qemu, Windows 2000, and kqemu

Ok. Here's the short version of how to install qemu and kqemu on Ubuntu 5.10. Assuming a standard desktop in­stal­la­tion, the following must be installed using Synaptic (or your favorite apt-package manager):

Now, follow the directions on this page.

One in­struc­tion that stumped me was the directions for the ./configure step. Instead of the command line that the author suggests (which, using my system, resulted in kqemu.ko not being built):

./configure --prefix=/usr --cc=gcc-3.4 --host-cc=gcc-3.4 --kernel-path=/usr/src/$(uname -r)/

Try the following:

./configure --prefix=/usr --cc=gcc-3.4 --host-cc=gcc-3.4

That should work for installing. Using, well, I didn't notice much difference. Maybe continue.

Accessing the fora

If you need to get to the fora, use this link. The site will be fixed over the next few days.

Update: It's fixed. There's some more tweaking to be done, but the update was necessary. All the usual links are on the right, I'll be messing about more later. No time right now... May is going to be busy. ;]

Software patents defeated in EU

This is out­stand­ing: Poland has asked for time to have a 'con­struc­tive dis­cus­sion' about software patents, so they'll not be signed into law in the EU without debate!

eBay, the next security blanket?

I would never have thought of this, but here's one way to reassure your kid - sell his grandpa's ghost on eBay! Here's the auction if you're aching to get your hands on some research material (for those paranormal re­searchers out there - you know who you are!).

Update: The auction above was apparently not the original, but a copycat. And all the links are dead... here's a link to a news story about the original.

Gaming creationism

What if... How do I put this... here, this works better:

Imagine a company like Microsoft. They're huge, they've got more money than most second-world nations (and probably more pull than a few first-world nations). They decide that the com­pe­ti­tion in gaming is fierce, and hire a trou­bleshoot­er to make the, "most realistic game ever created, something where an entire universe is yours to explore and do with as you will."

The trou­bleshoot­er, as trou­bleshoot­ers will, decides to bring in the experts. Who do you call when you need a universe but high-energy particle physicists and philoso­phers! Then you create a black-box project, lock them continue.

Blocked email

Evidently I moved too quickly, and skipped a step: The email address that I used on the front page didn't work until late last night. It's working now. Whoever tried to send an email from yahoo yesterday? Try again, it'll work this time.

The joy's of dis­tractabil­i­ty. ;)

Finally, mostly done

Most everything is done with the website transfer. The email server is up and running. The forums are working. What the heck am I going to do now? Oh, study for Master. Damn. Well, off to break out my copy of PFE Gold.

Fora are up!

Fora are online, and I responded to your query, Duncan: Yes, we are all puppets. ;)

Site is up!

Web site is up, forums will take another day. Happy Turkey day everyone!

Oh, and for whoever just looked at the site using Cox cable in OKC - Your email probably works now. ;]

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