Short Attention Span Theatre

Visited countries map

Glancing through Duncan's live­jour­nal I noticed his 'visited countries map'. Did a bit of exploring, and came up with my own. If you want to make your own, go to Here are maps of my visited countries, visited states, and visited Canadian provinces. Within the next three to four years I hope to make a bit more of the Europe red. :)

Forums are online

A few of my friends talked about having an online forum where we could converse, so I've set one up. If you go to you'll find three forums that should be an adequate meeting place for us (now that I'm heading over to Germany). I'll include a link on the menu within the next day or so. Update: There's a link on the menu just below above the categories. Links are going to take a while to transfer, probably won't be up until I get over there.

The Apple Product Cycle

This is so on target that it's fright­en­ing. It's also why Apple will never dominate the home PC market. I've owned a few Mac's in the past, but they've always hidden a bit too much of what's going on. I like to be able to mess with the engine, not just the dial on the radio. ;)


Just found an article about the pro­gres­sion of the human race (or technology as applied to the human race, you decide) towards a form of telepathy called "tech­lepa­thy". I haven't even finished reading it yet, but decided that everyone I know needs to know that it exists. One more step towards neural implants!

Modern Music - Factory made or formula produced

Someone put together two Nickelback songs, "Someday" and "How you remind me". The songs are mixed together via the left and right channels. It's shocking how well these two fit together. Actually I believe that How you remind me of Someday has a better sound than the two separate. Record producers have perfected the formula of creating "hit" "al­ter­na­tive" songs, and radio is suffering for it. It is now happening in all genres of music. That's right, nothing is Sacred.

Updated (thanks to Alec): New link

The link is dead for now, when I find it, I'll put it up. - dave

The Science of Shoes

Scientists have come up with a math­e­mat­i­cal formula for the longest heel on a high heeled shoe. I don't know if it's amazing or just someone with too much time on thier hands. Anyways it's en­ter­tain­ing.

Old vs. New

Every once in a while it occurs to me that I'm not seeing the whole picture from where I stand in life... Today was one of those days.

My wife, bless her heart, could not get the wireless network to work on her laptop. I could not get the wireless network to work on the laptop. This, as they say, is a bad thing. Something needed to be done. Something incredibly savvy and technical. Off I go with theories of the dual antenna twisted this way and that, cones of silence, and in­ter­fer­ence from a nearby military airfield (isn't this every military conspiracy theorists continue.

One quote stands alone

Seen in the wild on a mailing list I frequent, talking about setting up a particular mail transport software:

"... have been enjoying the learning cliff."

Almost fell out of my chair... again. ;)

Quote came from this message.

Review of B-Movie

This review is so well written, and yet... it's like a train wreck. The writing itself is very good, but the subject is horrid (the movie itself, that is). I just kept expecting it to get better...


Quote from author

n i m h . o r g - an all text experience

"Cool hacks make me feel good. I hope they make you feel good. A cool hack does this. It's like a ninja: It won't tell you how cool it is, you just look at it and be like, 'wow, that's cool'."

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