Short Attention Span Theatre

View from the Alpha Geek

Pretty good interview with Rael Dornfest (author of the software that runs this site) in Technology Review.

Greatest quote?

"I follow trails. Google will find you obvious answers. Google will find you what you're looking for. Blogs, with RSS, will find you what you never expected to find."

Finding things

I've added a few new features to the site including next/last links down at the bottom of the page. Also, if you scroll down to the bottom and haven't found what you're looking for, try typing a few words in the text box and pressing enter: It'll search the site and return all the entries that match.

Hitchhiker's Guide movie

I'm ecstatic that a movie could be made, but Disney? Does anyone else feel that that could be a mistake?

Maybe it's just me. I keep imagining Disney putting out THGG 1 1/2 with ad­ver­tise­ments that show Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, and Zaphod Beeblebrox in a bubbling spring. Zaphod climbs out and it stops bubbling. Fade to black with sounds of Arthur and Ford scrambling to get out of the water. ;]

The Hitch­hik­er's Guide to the Galaxy

My Funny MTA

Here's a little ditty that a member of the qmail mailing list whipped up. Don't worry if you don't get it: Just tear your hair out installing a mail server... you will. ;]

                           "My Funny MTA"
         (Sung to "My Funny Valentine", by Rodgers and Hart,
         parody lyrics Copyright (c) 2004 James Craig Burley)


Defining OPSEC

OPSEC is when you don't know what the hell you're doing: If you don't know, then how can you tell anyone?

I just found the greatest online math resource ever! I'm studying for a placement test to get into 'In­tro­duc­tion to Discrete Math­e­mat­ic­s' so that I can get into the Bachelor's program at UIS, and stumbled across

Check out the Algebra Worksheet Generator... nice.

Happy 2004!

I trust that everyone had a wonderful time last night, as we did, and made it home safely.

Happy New Year!

GK and Vermont

For those of you that haven't heard, the wife and I will be moving to Germany around August of next year! We're both ecstatic, although sad that we'll be so far away from those we love.

Speaking of those we love: We'll be heading to Vermont to visit the Mom and Fam tonight. So, for all of you that we haven't talked to yet:

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Red vs Blue and

For any of you that've been visiting the site for a while, you may remember the Recovering PC gamer post that I put up a while ago. I just found some other video stuff that group did (after swearing off the drunk­gamers tag).

Check it out, and parents beware (foul language lies ahead).

Oh, and if you're not a fan of first person shooters, and familiar with the "Capture the Flag" scenario, you probably won't get much out of the videos.

Damn power failures

That was fun. Wake up one afternoon (working nights for the exercise this week) to find that my webserver won't boot (corrupted HD partition).

Of course, I didn't have time to fix it until tonight. So while I'm fixing this problem tonight I throw a 40 gig as a "temp" into my machine, and that's dead! Throw a 60 gig "known good" hard drive in that I'm using to build a system for a friend of mine, and that's dead!

At least the 60 gig is under warranty. Anywho, the site should be stable, it's back on the machine that's been running as my server continue.

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